Download Python Compiler For Android

PyJNIus depends on Cython and the Java Development Kit (includes the Java RuntimeEnvironment).

Python 3 Android. This is an experimental set of build scripts that will cross-compile Python 3.9.0 for an Android device. Building requires. These convenient programming environments for iOS and Android tablet computers support Python and help you take your code on the road.Ah, spring is in the air! And after a particularly brutal winter, many of us are eager to get out of the office and enjoy a change of scenery. Python developers wh. Installation for Android¶ To use pyjnius in an Android app, you must include it in your compiled Python distribution. This is done automatically if you build a Kivy app, but you can also add it to your requirements explicitly as follows. If you use buildozer, add pyjnius to your requirements in buildozer.spec.

Installation on GNU/Linux distributions¶

You need the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), the JDK and JRE installed (openjdkwill do), and Cython. Then, just type:


If you want to compile the extension within the directory for any development,just type:

You can run the tests suite to make sure everything is running right:

Installation for Android¶

To use pyjnius in an Android app, you must include it in your compiledPython distribution. This is done automatically if you build a Kivy app, but you can also add it to yourrequirements explicitly as follows.

If you use buildozer, add pyjnius to yourrequirements in buildozer.spec:

If you use python-for-android directly, addpyjnius to the requirements argument when creating a dist or apk:

Installation for Windows¶

Download Python Compiler For Android Windows 10

Python and pip must be installed and present in the PATH environment variable.

  1. Download and install the JDK containing the JRE:

  2. Edit your system and environment variables (use the appropriate Java bitnessand version in the paths):

    Add to your Environment Variables:

    • JAVA_HOME: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_79bin

    • PATH: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_79jrebinservercontains the jvm.dll necessary for importing and using PyJNIus.


      set PATH=%PATH%;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_79jrebinserver

    Add to System Variables or have it present in your PATH:
    • PATH: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_79bin`
  3. Download and install the C compiler:

    1. Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7:

    2. MinGWPy for Python 2.7:

    3. Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools (command-line tools subset of VisualStudio) for Python 3.5 and 3.6:

    For other versions see Python’s Windows Compilers wiki.

  4. Update pip and setuptools:

  5. Install Cython:

  6. Install Pyjnius:


    In case of MinGWPy’s GCC returning a CreateProcessfailed:5 erroryou need to run the command prompt with elevated permissions, so thatthe compiler can access the JDK in C:ProgramFilesJavajdkx.y.z_bor C:ProgramFiles(x86)Javajdkx.y.z_b.

Installation for macOS¶

Python and pip must be installed and present in the PATH environment variable.

  1. Download and install the JDK containing the JRE:

  2. Edit your system and environment variables (use the appropriate Java bitnessand version in the paths):

    Add to your Environment Variables:

    • exportJAVA_HOME=/usr/libexec/java_home
  3. Install Xcode command-line tools.

  4. Update pip and setuptools:

  5. Install Cython:

  6. Install Pyjnius:

Installation for Conda¶

Similar to PIP there is a package manager forAnaconda <> called Conda.An unofficial compiled distributions of PyJNIus for Conda supportedplatforms you can find at

You can install pyjnius with this command:

Or if you want a specific package label e.g. gcc7:

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  • Compatibility: PyPy is highly compatible with existing python code.It supports cffi, cppyy, and can run popular python libraries liketwisted, and django. It can also run NumPy, Scikit-learn and more via ac-extension compatibility layer.

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  • As well as other features.