Key File Generator Rom Mame

  • MAME 2016 Reference Set - Romsets and Samples; ROM Set Format: Full Non-Merged. Using a Non-Merged set means that in this collection is a complete ROM that can be used stand-alone. All romsets can be used standalone because each zip contains all the files needed to run that game, including any ROMs from 'parent' ROM sets and BIOS sets.
  • Accueil MAME MAME - ROMs (0.198. Mace: The Dark Age (boot ROM 1.0ce, HDD 1.0b) 407 Ko Mace: The Dark Age (HDD 1.0a).

About This File

These key files should be included in ROM sets for Mame 0.178 and later, which means you should download an updated set. ROMs for pre-0.178 wont work because they wont have the key. Some claims that it exist a program out there that will build the required key files for you, but I have no idea if it exist or not.

This Python script filter and clean your sets of games (roms and Mame) depending on your configuration.
You can filter by country, genre and romc only take the best dump as possible.

Finaly, romc will generate the HyperSpin database of the set you cleaned.

Find more informations and get the latest version on the GitHub :

You need Python 2.7 ( , and these dependencies : lxml, BeautifulSoup, google
Use pip to install the dependencies :
pip is bundled by default with Python 2.7.



  • Fixed the covers was named with the cleaned name, instead of the original name.
  • Update Rom parser regex, for better filtering.
Key file generator rom mame iso

Key File Generator Rom Mame Emulator


  • Better name cleaning. Name like 'King of Fighters EX2, The - Howling Blood' are now cleaned like this : 'The King of Fighters EX2 - Howling Blood'


  • Updated you can now download covers for your games (only with JVC API).

About This File

This is the mame xml databases full lists generator application :

Generate Mame xml full lists of any version you want.


Auto-Download all ini files necessary for generate Mame xml full lists.

You can create your own Files from mame (official) sorted by :
working or All games(including non-working)
number of Players (from 1p to 9p)
Genres(48 genre lists + 1 'new' genre list for games added from the current version)
Manufacturers (26 lists of the most important manufacturers)
Years (5 lists by decade of years)
Extras (Controls,Buttons,Sound Channels,Screens,Languages,Versions,Best games,In/Not in Dir,Others...)

Key File Generator Rom Mame

Same thing for Folders:
Manufacturers , Genre , Years , Players , and all Extras :
These lists will have the same directory/lists created :
For ex : Genre 'Fighter','Soccer','Adventure','Capcom','Sega','1970-1979','2p sim'.... will have :
working or All games(including non-working)

Genres (49 genre lists)
number of Players (from 1p to 9p)
Manufacturers (26 lists max)
Years (5 lists max)
Extras (Controls,Buttons,Sound Channels,Screens,Languages,Versions,Best games,in/Not in Dir,Others...)

What's New in Version 0.0.220beta1

Free File Generator


Download application at

2020-05-10 - Added - Warning and versions messages into log tab (for ini version auto-downloaded)

2020-05-10 - Fixed - BestGames lists and folders was not generated

2019-02-05 - Fixed - 'new' games and some others were not found

Key File Generator Rom Mame Rom

2019-01-07 - Fixed - Bug for 'Go' button when none lists are selected

2019-01-07 - Fixed - Best compatibility for screens with small resolution (640x480)

2018-11-16 - Added - No clones option ( to exclude clones games )

2018-11-16 - Added - Lists filtered option ( to exclude games from unchecked boxes )

2018-11-16 - Fixed - Sports file was created when sports file checkbox was unchecked.